Clinical anesthesia addresses all the aspects such as anesthesia practice, anesthetic administration, pain treating and management rather than theoretical or laboratory studies. Anesthesiology management, including pharmacokinetics, Advances in Anesthetic Mechanisms, Clinical & Experimental Research, Preoperative and postoperative considerations, anesthetic and other complicating factors.
Journal of Clinical Research in Anesthesiology delivers a rigorous peer-review process with highly respected international experts who have joined together to form the Editorial Board, sharing their years of experience and clinical expertise. Specialized section editors cover the various subspecialties within the field. The journal bridges the gap between the laboratory and the clinical practice of anaesthesiology.
Journal publishes a wide range of articles in anesthesiology, including basic science, translational medicine, education, and clinical research, to develop a unique platform for the authors and encourage their contribution towards the field without any subscription barriers and language. The Scope Covers, Critical Care Critical Care Medicine, Critical/Intensive Care of Trauma Patients Post-Anesthesia Care Unit local anesthesia, sedation, regional anesthesia, anesthetic agents, cardiac anesthesiology, nerve blocks, spinal, epidural and caudal anesthesia, general anesthesia, vascular anesthesiology, thoracic anesthesiology, pediatric anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesiology, analgesics, anesthesia & critical care etc.